Nancy (Merritt) ’59 and James Parks ’57 of Grand Prairie, Texas, will celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary in August. They were married on August 24, 1957 in Magnolia. After coaching and teaching 10 years in Dumas, they moved to Dallas where James officiated football for 32 years. He retired from Northrup Grumann in 1999 after 32 years and Nancy retired from Johnson & Johnson in 1996. They have two sons: Michael and Stephen of Grand Prairie; four granddaughters and two great-grandchildren.
Sheila (Young) ‘85 and Scott Eddy ‘86 celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on May 17, 2012. They both served as resident assistants and hall directors at SAU before they were married in 1987 by Dean J Courson in DeQueen. They currently live in Mt. Pleasant, Texas, where Scott serves as the home health therapist and Director of Physical Therapy at a home health agency. Sheila is employed by Mount Pleasant ISD as a mentor on the Head Start campus. She is also an adjunct professor for TAMU-T where she teaches reading classes. They have three children; Sarah, a senior elementary education major at SAU, Rebekah, a senior at MPHS, and Daniel, 13.
Kathryn (Sterkx) M. Ed. ’06 and Randy Hayes ’84 celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on June 5, 2012.
Susan (Sibley) ’98 and Stephen Weaver ’93 celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary on June 5, 2012.
Cindy (Wright) ’79 and Randy Lann FS ‘78 celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary on June 5, 2012.
Ann (Oliver) ’61 and Lawrence Bearden ’61 celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 17, 2012, at a reception at Smackover Methodist Church hosted by their children and grandchildren. Ann is a retired teacher who taught at Smackover High School and El Dorado High School. Lawrence is a retired production foreman for BHP. He currently serves on the SAU Foundation Board of Governors. They are the parents of three sons, Richard, the late David, and Mark, and they have three grandchildren.