Celebrating SAU

In times of social distancing, members of the Mulerider Family that are scattered across the country found a way to come together as one. SAU alumni and friends, students, faculty, and staff, wherever they were, traded their casual quarantine apparel for SAU Blue and Gold for #MuleriderStrong Day on Tuesday, April 14. The event encouraged members of our campus community to post photos of themselves across their social media channels using the hashtag #MuleriderStrong, along with messages of support and connection for the SAU community.

The University hosted the sixth annual Giving Day on Tuesday, June 30, and received a generous contribution of 215 gifts totaling over $220,000. On this annual day members of the SAU community came together to support various areas of SAU. In 2019, 150 donors contributed and raised over $65,000.

“Story after story and photo after photo, something that we already knew became even more apparent: the reason we are #MuleriderStrong is because of our people. Seeing the SAU family rally on that day was truly inspiring,” said Wilson Impson, Assistant Director for Development.

This daylong online pep rally celebrating all things Southern Arkansas University brought light to many memories, connected long lost classmates and provided a time to reflect on many life-changing moments experienced as Muleriders. The posts helped spread gratitude, pride and happiness —all amid a time when people were experiencing loss, stress, and longing.

The success of #MuleriderStrong Day and Giving Day is a great reminder that our community is Stronger Together! To members of the Mulerider family that continue to display their love and support for SAU, from a safe social distance, we want to say thank you!

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