SAU history online

SAU Archives screenshotWith a computer, a tablet, or a smart phone linked to the Internet, SAU alumni and friends can view the University’s history online. There are yearbook photographs of people, places, and events beginning in 1914; audio files of faculty, staff, and alumni sharing memories of their schooldays; videos with stories of SAU’s past; excerpts from the centennial history of the University that are illustrated with yearbook photographs; biographical and statistical information about faculty and staff, buildings, budgets, and enrollments; and more.
Del Duke, interim library director at Magale Library, and I have worked together the last few years to place such materials online at SAU’s Archives and on the Historic Campus Plaza site. We will continue adding to the web sites until their content fully represents the first century of SAU history from 1909 to 2009.
The graphic of the SAU Archives homepage accompanying this article shows the site’s categories. Clicking on any category will take a viewer on a virtual journey deep into SAU’s past. One can travel from the school’s birth in 1909 to its centennial celebrations in 2009; read stories and view pictures of Mulerider football teams and individual men and women champions of other sports; learn more about memorable professors and caring staff as well as outstanding undergraduate scholars and students with remarkable extracurricular achievements; see early buildings torn down long ago and modern facilities of the 21st century; hear alumni tell stories of their undergraduate days; and much more.
This article will be the last one I will write as SAU’s University Historian. After full-time classroom teaching history and political science at SSC/SAU from 1969 to 2005 and part-time researching and writing about SAU history from 2005 to 2013, the time has come for me fully to retire. SAU, of course, will continue to make history, and others will continue the vital task of preserving and recording the school’s rich heritage.

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