Endowed scholarship established in husband’s memory

Robert E. Upperman and Dorothy Camp Upperman

Robert E. Upperman
and Dorothy Camp Upperman

The Robert E. Upperman endowment becomes a part of the SAU Foundation General Endowment managed by the SAU Foundation Board of Governors. Named endowments, listed on the Endowment Honor Wall in the Reynolds Center, provide a perpetual source of income for the purposes selected by the donors. Endowments are designed to keep the principal intact while using the investment income to benefit the University through scholarships, academic enrichments, athletic enrichments, professorships or other designations. For more information on how you can create an endowment to recognize a family member, a favorite teacher, or a friend, contact Jeanie Bismark at the SAU Foundation, (870) 235-4991, mjbismark@saumag.edu or visit www.saufoundation.org.

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