Fingers were crossed as the clock struck 4 p.m. in anticipation for the SAU Open House at the Hampton Inn in Texarkana, Ark., on December 16, 2013.
Nerves were settled as guests started to pour in at 4:01 p.m. A total of 48 prospective students signed in during the three-hour event, along with eight area school administrators invited by the College of Education and other important guests.
“We witnessed the beginning of the next chapter in SAU history at the Texarkana Open House,” said SAU Provost Dr. Trey Berry. “I thanked the SAU faculty and staff for the time and care they gave each prospective student who attended. It re-enforced the image of SAU as a very caring place.”
Berry said that he is excited to see the momentum from this Texarkana initiative continue over the coming months and years.
The Open House promoted the nursing prerequisite classes that are being offered this spring at the Hampton Inn. Representatives from SAU’s four colleges and School of Graduate Studies were also there to visit with prospective students.
SAU celebrated a record enrollment this past fall, due in part because of the increased visibility in the Texarkana area.