Empowering our Alumni: New Directions and New Visions for the SAU Alumni Association

The Alumni Association has done incredible things for SAU over the past four years!

Through the strong leadership of the Alumni Association Board, the Association renovated the Alumni Center into a truly exceptional and functional venue available to our campus, community, state and region for hosting a variety of events. If you have not attended “Mulegating” recently, or would like to come by for a walk-through of the facility, I encourage you to do so.

Also, our strong undergraduate growth is directly related to the support and care of the Alumni Association. The Association helped us build two new residence halls, Columbia Hall and Magnolia Hall, and is now making possible the construction of a third – Arkansas Hall (opening August 2019). These structures have helped change the culture of our campus. This fall 1,955 students lived on campus. This is due, in large part, to these new facilities.

Over the past few months, several exciting things have occurred that are helping move the Alumni Association in new directions. Megan McCurdy ’14 has taken
the reins as our new Director of Alumni Relations. Megan brings a new vision and energy to the Association and she has already been working to blaze a new path that will empower the SAU alumni community. In addition, Haley Bell ’13 joined the Alumni Relations staff and will facilitate alumni outreach and serve as coordinator of the Alumni Center. Kaitlyn Srebalus will continue to serve as administrative staff for Alumni Relations. In the coming months we will begin to see new connections develop through the efforts of these creative young leaders.

The Alumni Board is engaged at a new level as well! Board members Amy Freedman, Beth Galway, Bobby Thompson, Mike Waters, and Jamie Waller have been
working with other members of the SAU community including Josh Kee, Katherine Berry, Macy Braswell, Megan McCurdy, Roger Giles, and Jerry Thomas (at-large member) to create a new engagement policy, by-laws, membership structure, and a memorandum of understanding for the future.

Indeed, the future success of SAU is directly tied to our alumni and friends. I encourage you to reach out to our Alumni Relations staff or members of the Alumni
Board if you are interested in becoming more involved, in using the new Alumni Center, or in giving us advice and support as we move forward.

Thank you for your love and loyalty to SAU!
Trey Berry

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