From the President: A Time for Heroes

Over the past one-hundred years, we know that the U.S. has faced many periods of struggle and crisis. From the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-20, the Great Depression, World War II, and the Civil Rights struggle, just to name a few. Through all of these times, we have persevered.

We also recognize that we are once again living through another one of those turbulent times. A time that tests our resolve, wisdom, and courage. We have always found inspiration as a country in the midst of our struggles. That inspiration these days can be found throughout our SAU alumni and community!

Within the pages of this Stater issue, we will be chronicling the courageous and meaningful acts of Muleriders working on the front lines and aiding our fellow citizens and neighbors throughout the country. You will read about Muleriders ranging in age from 22 to 100 who are truly making such a difference influencing lives, changing lives, and saving lives in every corner of this land.

They are all heroes among us! They are showing extraordinary courage and care as we live through the COVID-19 crisis.

Another group of heroes we must also recognize is our dedicated SAU faculty and staff. We have watched them all change their lives to keep our campus and students safe. We have seen our staff drive laptop computers to students throughout Arkansas and to students in neighboring states who had no access to technology. We have also observed our staff members conduct long hours of health screenings for our students and parents over multiple days. Equally amazing has been the work of our SAU faculty as they radically changed the way they teach and the way they have worked even more closely with students in order to continue the education process off campus and to assure our students’ success. And finally, we have watched our Engineering professors create hundreds of medical face shields on their 3-D printers for our regional hospital, nursing home workers, local dentists, and other healthcare providers.

You don’t have to look beyond the SAU campus to find heroes at work.

Indeed, we know our work has just begun as we adjust to a possible new reality and as we work to continue to keep SAU safe and healthy. We are truly anchored by the courage and care of the Mulerider community as we journey through these unchartered waters. What is for certain, is that 100 years from now, people will look back on this period as another time for heroes.

We are so thankful for our Mulerider heroes – everywhere!

Trey Berry, Ph.D.

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