SAU Athletics third in initial Great American Conference All-Sports Trophy standings

GAC Sheild StockThe Great American Conference released its initial All-Sports Trophy standings through the fall sports segment of the year on December 16, 2015, and Southern Arkansas University Athletics is third among the 11-team field.

SAU totaled 28.5 points to place third in the standings, was 2.0 points out of tying for second-place with Southwestern Oklahoma, and 0.5 points ahead of fourth-place Arkansas Tech.

SAU received points in four of the five eligible fall sports, with the majority of points coming from Women’s Cross Country as the Lady Muleriders finished second at the GAC XC Championships in October. Both Football and Volleyball tied for fourth place in their respective sports, bringing in 7.5 and 7 points, respectively. SAU closed out its All-Sports points with a third-place finish for Men’s Cross Country, which netted 4 points.

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